Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jeremiah 12

BEFORE church, I prayed that God lead me or instill me the strength and motivation to push myself to pick up a bible and read it with consistency. I've been trying for some time to get back into the habit of keeping God's word close to my heart, but it just never comes. Motivation is lost, so my laziness takes over.

Every Sunday, I feel this thirst, or desire to reconnect with my God, but in the end, it doesn't ever follow through. I irresponsibly point my fingers and blame that reason to something i pretend to believe is out of my control, and hence, my prayers always request for this so called "strength" to counter it.

"God, please provide me, no, instill in me that strength to desire you, to seek you, to take and embrace the baby steps required to fuel my desire to live for you."

How lame of a request, I realize, as I was listening to the guest pastor this morning.

I'm literally asking God to give me that desire to desire... lol. wtf???

And he said this (paraphrased):
"To those of you who think to expect God to GIVE you that strength to want to desire God, that is NOT how it works! You need to have that discipline and desire within YOURSELF to want to live your life according to God. It is not something that can be instilled out of request."

So here I am, getting up out of my lazy undisciplined butt and holding myself accountable to you jokers.

Today, I read Jeremiah 12 in the toilet, deciding I must FORCE
myself to read... what better way to force myself than to do it while passing time deucing. lol

Ask: Why do bad people who don't follow God, or refuse to follow God... WHY are they prospering in this world God himself created? Why do the faithless live at ease? Why aren't they suffering, as they should? Those who are faithful are suffering, why not the faithless? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Answer: They may be living the life now, but they have not earned or worked for anything permanent. Where as the faithful, though they suffer, have earned their stripes, and deserve a place in heaven, God's army. One day, God will lay fire on the earth, and everyone in it will burn, and all that will be left are the things that are permanent.... and THAT is when God's true children receive their reward.


1 comment:

  1. This is why I love reading your blogs baby. I learn more and more about our Savior. :)
