Friday, November 13, 2009

Costume Bonanza

Hella late update on our Halloween Weekend. Least to say, it was pretty damn pimp. We had some pretty solid and entertaining costumes. lmao

PHOTO BLOG TIME!!!! I'll let the pics speak for themselves... =)

Let's start with the appetizers....
First we got Mr potato head. Created by myself. Pretty nice effort if I had to say so myself, but I'll remain humble...
The gimmick was to make his parts removable so that you can be "played" with during those precious uninhibited moments of drunkenness. worked!

My personal favorite, Chun-li and a terrible version of Ryu (her boyfriend...go figure)

wasn't our party, but it was still interesting!

...aaaand of course you gotta have those douche bag crackeriffic guys with the semi expensive gag costume to keep the party humorous. Essential.

Breathalyzer machine....whomp whomp!

Funny, everytime he danced, he kept lookin down at his junk, so that it can rub up on girl's booties. lmao Totally milkin it!!!

The costume was alright, but his awkward demeanor made it funny as hell. hahahaha

That's MJ from the thriller video btw... with the zombie look, a joke of an effort on the makeup (my bad). I was in a rush... haha

The main course.... DUN DUN DUNN (I'll keep it brief)

Spock. Don't care too much for the one beside him.

The guy's a goofy dude but got a knack for costumes...

Picture him as Napoleon Dynamite. lmao. classic

The goodness. hahaha britney and kfed. how easy is that. lol totally believable

to those of you who don't know. you probably don't, cuz i didn't either....

Hard Gay. lmao Look up Hard Gay on youtube... wow.
It's like party boy from Jackass...but more.... gay

And the ones that made me blow a load without actually blowing a load...(don't ask)...

Piccolo and Ultimate Gohan....

Over 9,000!!!!!!

It's like cosplay city up in hurrr....yea, they're both gay partners lmao

And some dessert...(for you perverts)

Gohan whoring himself. How dare he...

After you, back it up- then stop....(circa 2001)...then what what what drop-drop it like it's hot!!

Tombraider!! And skankies to her left. lol

lap dances? sucked! lol

everybody enjoys them hooters girls, but they've gotten a few levels uglier as of late. Yet another product of economic downfall.. lol

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